Our Team

Our Team

Alexander Ng

Alexander Ng, Ph.D.

Eric Detsi, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist

Jo Kubota, (Ph.D. Candidate)
Head of Engineering

Yi-Yen Chen, Ph.D.
Board Member,
Assoc. Dir. PCI Ventures

Mike Argosh

Mike Argosh

The team at Hydropore believes a few things to be true about our market:

  1. Clean hydrogen is preferred: Customers and markets will prefer the lowest carbon-intensity hydrogen in the long-run, so we should build for that now.
  2. Make it where you use it: A lack of hydrogen distribution infrastructure will require distributed production models.
  3. No markets left behind: Markets that will be underserved by the hydrogen economy are some of the most diesel-dependent, grid-infrastructure-lacking communities that would benefit most from local clean fuels production.
  4. Business model innovation is required: To unlock low cost, distributed production, we need new business models in hydrogen and clean fuels.

Founded in 2023, Hydropore is backed by industry-awarded research from leading research institutions. Dr. Eric Detsi has been recognized as an Emerging Inventor by the Journal of Materials Chemistry and has an NSF Career Award. Hydropore Technologies LLC Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy.